Donnette Smith's Fanclub Newsletter

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Yes! I love to run contests for my fans where you can win cool prizes…like a $50 gift certificate, autographed copies of my print books, and many other things. I also love to involve my readers in my writing process by running contests to pick the name of my next character, or the setting for the next book. Here are some of the contests and opportunities for my fans I have running right now.

book tour

The Taken

I’m excited to announce two upcoming virtual book tours for The Taken. The first will be hosted by Goddess Fish Promotions starting on November 7th, 2023, through the 28th. The second will be hosted by Xpresso Book Tours, and will begin on December 4th, 2023, through the 8th.

For both tours I will be giving away very nice prizes to lucky winners. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it. As the times draw near, I will make sure to send out newsletters with all the tour dates and stops. So…make sure you subscribe to my newsletter for all the latest updates.